Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs in the United States

on 01 May, 2012  · 0 comments

Everyone has to work but there are some jobs that are more dangerous than others. These dangerous jobs may pay more than others but is the extra money worth it. Any job does have risks associated with them but some are more risky with these jobs having the chance for falling from a great height, drowning in the open seas, being crushed by heavy equipment, or falling into a fiery explosion. All these jobs have some of these risks associated with them. Now all a person has to decide if the risks are worth the extra money that might come with these jobs.
Here are the top ten most dangerous jobs in the United States, average yearly salary, die-rate per one hundred thousand, and why it is dangerous.

1- Fisherman

Annual salary is approximately forty four thousand dollars with a die-rate of two hundred. They have to deal with slippery decks, wind, heavy rain, and ice cold waves. According to Food and Agriculture Organization, there were more than 38 million fishermen and fish farmers in 2002 in the world and a very high Mortality rate.

2- Logger

Annual salary is approximately forty thousand dollars with a Mortality rate of sixty-one point eight. They work at great heights and use chain saws and logging machines while standing on uneven and unstable terrain. They also have to worry about the massive weight of falling limbs and trees.

3- Aircraft Pilot

Annual salary is approximately one hundred eighteen thousand dollars with a Mortality rate of fifty-seven point one. This job includes all types of flying with bush flying and crop dusting being the most dangerous. If something goes wrong, there is little option but crashing.

4- Farmer/Rancher

Annual salary of approximately thirty thousand with a Mortality rate of thirty-eight point five. They risk the chance of being entangled or crushed by heavy machinery. They can also be trampled or kicked by livestock, trapped into grain elevators, and exposed to toxic levels of chemicals and pesticides.

5- Roofer

Annual salary of approximately thirty seven thousand with a Mortality rate of thirty four point seven. They have to deal with severe inclines, heights, uneven footing, slippery surfaces, and no netting or safety harnesses. They also have to work in sun, wind, and searing heat being subjected to dehydration.

6- Structural Iron Steel Worker

Annual salary of approximately forty seven thousand dollars with a thirty point three. Walking four inch wide metal planks, dodging falling debris at dizzying heights, climbing ladders are some of the risks of this job.

7- Refuse Collector

Annual salary of approximately thirty six thousand dollars with a Mortality rate of twenty-five point two. The risks are associated with operating the compacting and heavy lifting equipment. In addition, they have to ride clinging to the backs and sides of the garbage trucks. One slip and they could be hit by passing traffic or fall under the wheels of the truck.

8- Industrial Machinery Maintenance Worker

Annual salary of approximately forty seven thousand dollars with a Mortality rate of eighteen per five. The machines that are designed to crush, bend, and melt industrial materials can do that to a human being. There is also the risk of exposure to toxic chemicals, fire, and explosion.

9- Truck Driver

Annual salary of approximately forty three thousand dollars with a Mortality rate of eighteen point three. The risks are driving long hours of boring stretches of road and being able to stay alert. They also have to worry about handling a heavy truck in case of an accident.

10 Construction Worker

Annual salary of approximately sixty six thousand dollars with a Mortality rate of eighteen point three They work in all sort of environments such as busy highways, at great heights, and work with explosives, heavy equipment, and power tools.

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