Top 10 Diseases That Can Not Be Cured

on 01 May, 2012  · 1 comments

Medical science is one of the few fields that have witnessed immense development over the period of time. The researchers have worked day and night to find out ways to eradicate diseases and cure them. They have been quite successful in their endeavor. Modern medicine today has a cure for almost all diseases but there are still some of them that cannot be cured. One of the most common amongst them is the common cold. Each year hundreds of people suffer from such diseases and only half of them survive. One can pick up these diseases through virus, bacteria or in some cases could be genetic.

1- Common Cold

It is one of the most common diseases that every second person suffers from. Numerous agents including rhinovirus and influenza cause it. It is communicable disease and is generally caught from an infected person. It affects the respiratory tract with infection in the eyes and middle ears. There are usually no symptoms of the disease.

2- Polio

Poliomyelitis or more commonly known as Polio. Medically it is termed as infantile paralysis. It is a viral infection that affects the nervous system. Early symptoms include headache, nausea, fever, muscle pain and fatigue and can lead to permanent paralysis of limbs, throat or chest. However, with the advent of Polio vaccines one is able to prevent it but still there is no cure for it.

3- Diabetes

The disability of the body to produce or respond to insulin causes the diseases. Type I diabetes, caused generally in childhood, leads to production of antibodies that destroy insulin producing cells. The hormones are required to be injected daily. Type II diabetes, generally occurs after the age of forty. It is either due to excess production of insulin or reduced response of the body.

4- Asthma

The chronicle disorder affects the lungs wherein the air tract becomes sensitive towards dust, pollution, smoke, pollens, weather conditions and medication. It can occur at any of your life. However boys are more prone to disease compared to girls. An asthma attack can lead to breathlessness, coughing and chest tightness. The attacks can be fatal too.


This is another incurable disease. Almost all of us know that HIV AIDS does not have treatment. The HIV virus spreads through the body and destroys the immune system making it prone to other fatal diseases and infections. The last stage of the HIV infection is called AIDS, records show that there about 40 million people who are HIV positive and about 3+ million people die due to this disease every year. This diseases is also growing rapidly i.e. almost 5 million people catches this disease each year.

6- Cancer

One of the most widespread diseases across the world, cancer is caused by the uninhibited growth of abnormal cells in the body. Medical science has seen development in the treatment of the disease that has brought down the death rate. Research is carried out to find out the cause of the disease.

7- Influenza

Influenza caused by a viral infection affecting the respiratory tract is, is also known as flu. The symptoms include, fever, weakness, muscle pain. Chills, headache and pain in the abdomen. It is caused by the orthomyxoviruses and could be of type A, B or C. All three of them are genetically different.

8- Ebola

Ebola, responsible for hemorrhagic fever that is fatal, is a member of the Filoviridae virus family. Symptoms include fever, rashes and hemorrhaging. The virus causes epidemic diseases and is closely related to Ebola Reston and Marburg virus where the former causes epidemic diseases in monkeys while the latter is also fatal for humans.

9- Lupus Erythematosus

Commonly called as Lupus is a dermatological disorder and causes inflammation. It is categorized as discoid, drug-induced and systemic. No internal organ is affected by the disease. All three types cause rashes in different body parts. With no set symptoms, the time period of the disease is also variable.

10- Creutzfeldt

Jakob disease is a very rare disease. It affects the central nervous system and is fatal in nature. The occurrence rate is one in a million and usually occurs after the age of forty. However, there are cases wherein young adults are affected by it. It is characterized by changes in the behavior that is followed by dementia along with reduced vision.

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