Top 10 Engineering Universities in the World

on 01 May, 2012  · 1 comments

An engineer is known for his knowledge and technical skills as well his discipline, ethics and principles. Everything around us involves engineering, may it be tall buildings like skyscrapers or a small see-saw in the garden. With such a huge impact of engineering on our day to day lives, it becomes important that the foundation of these engineers is better than the best. The universities play an important role in shaping the perspective of looking at thing as well as the career outlook of these individuals. Hence, how the engineers perform and think in future depends a lot upon the environment they were taught to how to analyze any given task. Let us look at some of the best universities in the world.

1- Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT is considered as the one of the best education institutions across the world with the school of engineering being a pioneer. The university emphasizes on practical knowledge and application of the acquired knowledge for the development of the field rather than just mugging up theories. MIT is known to produce some of the best researchers and developers. It has also received several awards for its contribution and excellence in teaching.

2- Imperial College London

The Imperial College basically focuses on three major fields i.e. science, engineering and medicine. There are in all nine departments in the university and also has the renowned Energy Futures Lab. It ranks second in the world by the Times Higher Education Supplement. The university focuses on imparting world class knowledge to its students.

3- University of Cambridge

Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world. The university offers education in a number of different streams and houses many colleges and institutions. The engineering faculty is one of the largest departments of the university.

4- University of Oxford

It is yet another oldest university around that has been imparting knowledge for centuries. With a total of 39 different colleges associated with the engineering school of the university it secures the tenth position in the engineering studies. The university is known for its education with research being the prime field. It researches on areas like biomedical engineering and energy.

5- Stanford University

The University was founded in the year 1885 and is one of the leading educational institutions of the world. The university top notches all others in the field of research. Engineering forms a major section of the university and emphasizes on pushing the limits of sciences a step further.

6- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Known as one of best European university, the university houses sixteen schools each of which offers Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Programs. A majority of the faculty is known to be international teachers and it provides outstanding facilities to its students.

7- California Institute of Technology

The University believes in imparting knowledge that helps the individual excel in their life. The University houses six faculties under the school of engineering. It also includes Aerospace, Bioengineering, Applied Physics and Materials Science, and Electrical Engineering.

8- National University of Singapore

The University is known to be a frontier in education and research. The university has three different campuses. The Global Engineering Program offered the school aims to impart knowledge with a global point of view. The university has tie ups with a number of overseas universities.

9- University of California, Berkeley

The University was founded in the year 1868 with 14 colleges and schools. The university aims in delivering world-class education that forces the students to innovate new technologies.

10- University of Tokyo

The University holds the credits for being the first national university of the school and was founded in the year 1877. The school focuses mainly on science and technology.

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