Cheap and Natural Skin Care Recipes

on 14 July, 2012  · 0 comments

Skin Care products available in markets use to be very expensive and sometimes destroy your rather than making it smooth and healthy. You can try natural and home recipes to get smooth and healthy skin. These natural recipes are cheap and give better outcome.

Some cheap and natural skin care recipes are given below:

Mango Facial Mask:
You can invigorate your skin using simple and cheap mango facial recipe. Mango contains sufficient amount of antioxidants and vitamins essential for the elimination of free radical from your pores. Mash a mango with the help of fork and apply it over your face. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.

Papaya and Carrot Facial Mask:
You can try a cheap recipe to remove impurities from your skin. Take three tablespoons of mashed papaya, three tablespoons of mashed carrots and 1 egg yolk and blend them thoroughly to get a facial mask.

Apply this mask over your skin leaving the area around the eyes and leave the treatment on for at least 20 minutes. Wash off after 20 minutes; you will feel a remarkable improvement in your skin condition.

Cabbage and Lemon Juice Facial Recipe for Dry Skin:
It is very necessary to keep your skin hydrated especially during the cold season. The below given natural skin care recipe will make it easy for you to preserve the rejuvenated condition of your skin.

Heat a number of cabbage leaves until they reach the boiling point and let them cool down. After they get cool mash them and add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and equal amount of honey in it and mix them thoroughly to get a thick paste. Apply the paste on your face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.
Carrot and Avocado Facial Mask:
Another skin care recipe for all skin types can give your skin natural glow. Mix mashed half avocado with 1 cooked carrot and adds 1 tablespoon olive oil in it to get a facial mask. Apply it on your face and let it exercise over your skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face using lukewarm water to get natural glow of your skin.

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