Losing Weight After Pregnancy - How To

on 05 July, 2012  ·

Losing Weight After Pregnancy - Pregnancy and gaining weight go side by side. It has been estimated that the average women gains 25 pounds during pregnancy. After child birth the new mom’s loss 14 pounds. It means that the delivered women still have enough weight to lose. Usually it is said that the baby fats never go away, but patience, regular exercise and healthy eating habits make it possible. But the weight loss depends upon the amount of weight gain.

When you are pregnant your eating habits are changed to support the baby’s growth and development. Though after pregnancy proper diet is still needed but with mild activity and doing exercise wisely helps you to get the normal weight.

Here are some tips for healthy weight loss after pregnancy:


Take food which is rich in fiber will give you the feeling of satiety for longer period. Similarly selecting foods which have low fat contents as yogurt, dairy product with low fats, skimmed milk and low fat cheese give you nourishment essential for the growth and development of the baby. Lean meat, skinless poultry, fish and pork are rich source of proteins.


The foods which increase the desire of eating by their temptation of spices, smell and colors will be kept away from you surroundings your self only with healthy foods.


Not to eat till the feeling of fullness in one eating’s. Divided your meal in smaller portions throughout the day but not to miss the fruits and vegetables from your diet, it will create the deficiency of many essential nutrients.


When you are in hurry and anxious or under stress distract yourself from eating. Make the atmosphere pleasant for your eating. Go outside   for a walk with your baby or call your friend.


It is an old thought to avoid any mild or strenuous exercise at least for six months after delivery. But researches show that in case of normal vaginal delivery as you early you get ready for exercise will be better for your health. The practice may start within the days of delivery. On the other hand in case of C sections ask for your health care provider to give you the exercise program. When he /she say OK then get to start.

While starting your exercise or any other physical activity follow the below tips:

  • Feel comfortable.
  • Start slowly.
  • Keep yourself with your baby as go for walk with your baby in stroller
  • Target your abs muscles in exercise.
  • Join the post par tum exercise center where you have company of new moms.
  • Remember your Engels even if you are feeding your baby.
  • If you lose 1 pound per week it will take approximately six months returning to your original weight. This is reasonable approach.

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